Our Goal is to be at the Peak of the World Olive Oil Exports and Ensure Sustainable Export

Our Goal is to be at the  Peak of the World Olive  Oil Exports and Ensure  Sustainable Export

Our country has made significant progress in the olive  and olive oil sector over the  past 20 years, and especially in the  last 5 years, thanks to both increases in production and the accumulation of sectoral knowledge, it has  reached a strategic position in world  exports. The year 2023 has been a  record year for our sector. On the  path we embarked on with the mission of being at the peak of the world  olive and olive oil exports and ensuring sustainability in exports, we are  proud to be the company that has  made the greatest contribution to  our country’s exports, demonstrating how great transformations can  be achieved when you set out with  the right values.

Today, with an olive oil production  level of 400,000 tons being achievable, we foresee that it can easily reach  600,000 tons in the medium term.  Our company’s more than 10 production facilities, built, developed, and  expanded using the most modern technologies in the last 5 years, have  become some of the world’s leading  facilities in their fields. Behind every success we achieve and every reform we implement, there is a great  deal of effort, patience, diligence, and  experience from our ever-expanding  team, alongside the investments we have made in our facilities.

 We are increasing the recognition of our brand in the international  sector every day with our product  quality, and with the right investments, we have become one of the few key players in the world olive  and olive oil sector. Since the acquisi tion of Verde, the previously limited  packaged olive oil market has expanded manifold each year. At this point, we are proud and  excited to see that the recognition and brand value of our  country’s olive oil have increased in major global market  chains with the label ‘Product of Türkiye.’

 Our investments in olive groves and land continue, and  we are simultaneously carrying out a project that will be a symbol of Turkish olive oil. As of 2000, the number of olive trees in our country has reached 200 million thanks to  investments made in olives. With the pursuit of the right  strategies, our country will be able to reach its production and export potential, and the figures we mention as recorlity in olives and olive oil with increasing investments and our growing number of olive trees.

 We extend our endless thanks to our farmers and workers, producers, valuable team, solution partners, sector  stakeholders, and everyone who has contributed to these  achievements.

For the full prestige book and more, you can visit the link below.


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Our Goal is to be at the  Peak of the World Olive  Oil Exports and Ensure  Sustainabl